Your Last Chance At This Price

Nov 30, 2021 | Benefits Of Joining Stampin' Up!, promotions | 0 comments

Like what you see?

I couldn’t let this offer close without reminding you of the details one last time. Today is your last chance at this price! I know this past week has probably been busy with Black Friday deals, and you may not have noticed our own amazing deal on the Starter Kit.

Last Chance At This Price

Choose £130 worth of products for ONLY £75 includes all VAT and shipping as ever.

That’s a massive saving! You could stock up on all your basics like inks, card & stamps.

Or you could splash out on the Cut & Emboss or lots of fun bundles & dies!

Whatever you make up in your Starter Kit is your choice!

What you do when you join is your choice too. Stamp & have fun or use the opportunity to earn some extra money. The choice is yours.

But the fun we have, well that’s infectious & the friends you make, they might last a lifetime!

Come & join us!

Why Join With Me?

I know sometimes you might think, well why Pip, why not some other UK Demonstrator? That’s a great question, all I can tell you is that you won’t find what I give anywhere else. Why? Because I’m me, and therefore you get what’s in my heart & what I share of my knowledge, and that’s unique to me.

But if you’re wanting practical things that I do for my team here’s a few:

  • Team only FB group full of fun, creative challenges & lots of chat about crafting & all things Stampin’ Up!
  • Team only website loaded with training on a variety of subjects – from how to find inspiration, what to do when your mojo takes a walk, to how to do Facebook Lives and the puzzle pieces of running a successful business.
  • Monthly newsletter filled with shout outs for you doing amazing things with stamps, ink & paper!
  • Monthly team meeting where we chat, discuss any questions or concerns, think about how to share our love of Stampin’ Up! and of course craft together! These are online, so you don’t have to live close to me!

You also get a laid back approach to your hobby or business. These things are in your hands. I can absolutely motivate you and help inspire you, but you have to decide if you want to take it further. And I never pressure anyone to do anything they don’t want to do.

Tomorrow you will still be able to join, but the price will be £99 – today is your last chance at this price of £75 which is the best I’ve ever seen!

Click Here & Join Today

Join my Team the Royal Stampers with Queen Pip Cards

Thanks for joining me here today. I hope you found everything you wanted, but if you have any questions, please do get in touch via my CONTACT ME form (opens a new window) and I’ll get back to you via email.

Crafty hugs, Pip x


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