Whale Punch Fun Facebook Live

Aug 26, 2020 | card ideas, Card Making Techniques, Kids and baby card ideas, Video | 0 comments

Like what you see?

How much fun can you have with the Whale Punch? A LOT is the answer to that question. I love how you can make whales facing both ways! I also learned something about Whales and their eyes – man they are low down!!

Whale Punch Fun with Whale of a Time Suite Pip Todman Stampin' Up! Demonstrator #simplystylish #queenpipcards

Whale Punch and the Whole Suite

This Facebook Live replay takes you through the whole Whale of a time Suite but I am focused on those fabulous Whales. Any colour – I think I might try a purple one! Can you imagine, Gorgeous Grape with Highland Heather or Purple Posy – so cute! Tell me what YOUR favourite Whale colour would be COMMENT HERE!

The video has been edited, so you don’t get ALL the waffling I do on a Monday. I realise I talk too much! But you keep telling me to keep going, so I guess it can’t be all bad! However, the VIDEO TUTORIAL below shares the main highlights and all the crafting!

Whale Punch Fun with Whale of a Time Suite Pip Todman Stampin' Up! Demonstrator #simplystylish #queenpipcards

Apologies if the image below is showing just a Grey Screen – YouTube has done something strange on me! Click the Play arrow – it does work, honest!

What do you think of that embossing technique? Fun isn’t it? I love trying out new things or using things I know with new products. Because every time you get a different result. Normally I sponge the whole thing, but focusing just on the seaweed made it look great!

Whale Punch Fun with Whale of a Time Suite Pip Todman Stampin' Up! Demonstrator #simplystylish #queenpipcards

Environment Projects

I really do think this is also a great set for your kids or grandkids when they are doing school work about the environment & oceans. I think lots of schools will be focusing on this in the future, and any project where you can show the sea world and sea life brings those impacts home to people. Extra school credit for doing fun crafting can’t be bad either!

How to order Your Whale today!

Just select from the items below, or if you like the whole suite just click the Whale of a Time Suite Collection image – all images when clicked will open my online store in a new window. Then you can shop what you want from the list or anything else you fancy too.


Don’t forget this is the last week of Bonus Day Coupons, so make sure you place your order & spend those coupons before they expire. The Whale Punch would be just £12.50 if you used a Bonus Day Coupon! WOW, that’s amazing value.

Don’t have a Bonus Day Coupon to spend? Don’t worry, just make sure you enter the Host Code and you’ll get a thank you from me! If your order is over £150 then DO NOT enter the Host Code, keep the rewards and you’ll still get your thank you!

Thanks for joining me today and shopping with me. It makes a huge difference in my life to be able to do this job and share my creativity and love of Stampin’ Up! with the world. And by ordering through me you make a personal difference to me & my family, so thank you.

Crafty hugs, Pip x

Thanks for joining me here today. I hope you found everything you wanted, but if you have any questions, please do get in touch via my CONTACT ME form (opens a new window) and I’ll get back to you via email.

Crafty hugs, Pip x


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