Who loves a spot of fun and magical design in their life? Me, me, hands up Me! I may not celebrate Halloween with trick or treating but I do love a bit of magic.
I’ve always loved witches and wizards, dragons, and elves. The Worst Witch was one of my favourite books as a child! I figured that I would be just as bad at anything I tried to do. Then as adult life got a little bit boring Harry Potter arrived to cheer us all up and I was off again!
So when the Bewitching bundle came out in the catalogue I was hooked! Then I spotted Best Witches and whilst I don’t want to speak ill of my friends – if the name fits!?!? So I had to have that one too.

So on Tuesday (delayed due to our national day of mourning) I pulled these out & went to town! Funnily enough, a lot of folks on the Livestream loved them too – even if they too don’t do Halloween! So I think they have a really wide appeal for a lot of people, especially if you have a Harry Potter nut in your house!
In fact, I loved it so much, I went a little crazy and ended up making 3 and sharing 8 card designs! And I have so many more in my head still!
8 Fun and Magical Cards
Tell me your favourite card or what you learned today in the COMMENTS HERE.
All my cards used the same base layer sizes – 13.9 x 9.5 cm for an A6 size card.

Want to make this at home? Need everything? Just click the link at the bottom of this list that says “Add all to cart” and yes, you guessed it, you’ll add them all to your basket in my online store. But if you only need a few, just click the one you want and it will take you to that page in my store. Note that Suites contain the bundle, paper, and embellishments.
Thanks for watching my live stream on replay – don’t forget I’m here each week!